New Year
I find New Year’s Eve to be a bit too peopley for me. I am an introvert at heart. Reflecting back on the last year with a cuppa. That’s where its at!
I write this with a real scene of pride! Grow jiu jitsu was born at a time that was devastating for our sport and our general well being.
It’s an academy built on the values of connection, freedom, authenticity, self investment & joy.
Some highlights from the year.💫
The birth of grow events. A sister company to grow jiu jitsu with a vision to create events that fuel the soul.

The children where finally allowed to get back to contact training. Their joy was my joy!
World champ Ffion visited. It was a huge injection of knowledge & general loveliness into the club.
There was so much emotion that went into our first competition outing as a team. Warriors each & everyone.

Team trip to “The North’ to train with Mauricio & Ben Poppleton
There was some jazzy Merch.